Amelia Sky, the sci-fi/horror series, chronicles the life of Amelia Sky, a young girl who awakens in a post-apocalyptic world with no memory of who she is or where she came from. Along her journey of self-discovery, she finds that she possesses extraordinary abilities that could save the human race from extinction by the deadliest […]
Category: Mature Content
Pullbox Previews Skin and Bone- Indie Horror Darling (Flesh and Blood) Returns With a Chilling Sequel and News of a Major Film Development
Award-winning tale of cannibals in the Scottish Highlands serves up a new chapter. LONDON, November 15, 2024 – After a successful (and critically-acclaimed) launch earlier this year, White Hart Comics are back with the sequel to their indie horror hit, Flesh and Blood. Entitled Skin and Bone, this 128-page original graphic novel offers a direct […]
Pullbox Reviews Nymphobots #1- If Phillip K. Dick had written stories about sexbots and revenge
Do sexy androids dream of beating the crap out of their abusive Handlers? In a vibrant dystopian future one Nymphobot breaks the shackles of her programming and kills her Handler, resulting in her and an unlikely techno nerd becoming the world’s most wanted fugitives! Before we even start, I’m gonna confess that I almost passed […]
Pullbox Previews The Long Death- Taking a break from Crime Noir, writer John Kratky is exploring Dark Horror. If the Butcher cleaves it, the Old Crone cooks it.
Pullbox Previews Never By Night: Disturbing Passages into the Unknown… just in time for Halloween, a horror anthology with teeth and tentacles
This Halloween from Jonathan Chance, writer, creator of nightmare hits PERMADEATH and COVER THE DEAD WITH LIME comes a brand-new collection of horror stories. For anthology fans new and old (school) comes a fresh take on the old familiar and this four tale 80-page graphic novel is no one-shot. Its a year-shot fright pass to […]
Indie Publisher Spotlight on Ounce Comics- “Elevating Imagination” through crazy, left-of-center storytelling
Wading through my emails, I ran across something from Javier Salazar with Ounce Comics (interesting name, wonder what it’s referring to…). He was asking for some coverage on one of their titles, a quirky, bizarre, & after looking at their other comics I realized totally on-brand book called Backwards-Man. From there I took a look […]
Pullbox Previews Spillblood- A violent supernatural tale of a priest, rejected by Heaven & exiled from Hell
36 pages of blood-splattered horror from the creative duo of Jonathan Hedrick (Can I Scream?) and Stefano Cardoselli (Don’t Spit In The Wind)! Rejected by Heaven and exiled from Hell, a doomed priest walks the borderline between living and dead. He listens to those who cry to their deity for forgiveness. Then at night… he […]
Pullbox Reviews The Grid Wars, chapter 1- A violent graphic novel series peering into a grisly & grim dystopian future
In the year 2062, half of the United States population is now in prison, locked up behind an impenetrable wall. To pay for our country’s mass incarceration, the National Penitentiary League launched a new blood sport that has swept the nation: The Grid Wars. Many who dare play will die, but the fierce few who […]
Pullbox Previews Hour of the Wolf #1, the second chilling step into Mad Cave’s “Underworld” connected universe
When Owen Blackwood is called across time to a seemingly normal home to destroy a haunted painting, it didn’t feel like anything out of the ordinary to this agent of Wolvenheart. Upon arrival, however, Owen finds himself trapped in the very painting he was called to destroy. With only a one hour window of time […]
Pullbox Previews The Body Trade #1 – A father sets out on the road to revenge as he fights to retrieve the body of his dead son
Kim Krilic is a divorced ex-con who’s trying to atone. However, his short temper tends to get the best of him. When he returns to Florida to bury his estranged son, he’s sickened to find an empty grave. His son’s remains were sold into “The Body Trade”. Armed with righteous fury, Kim sets out to […]