Category: Marvel

New Marvel Variant Covers Take Heroes to Hell and Back!

This May, Hellverine rises again! Debuting in last year’s Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance, this demonic version of Wolverine will headline a new series by Wolverine mastermind and Hellverine co-creator Benjamin Percy and acclaimed artist Julius Ohta. In anticipation of Hellverine’s mysterious return, Marvel’s Stormbreakers crafted hellish new designs for their favorite Marvel heroes in […]

The End of the Krakoan Age!

In July 2019, the world of the X-Men was shattered and reborn on Krakoa in visionary writer Jonathan Hickman’s House of X. In the years since, fans have experienced a golden age of mutant storytelling, filled with bold ideas, astonishing character developments, and revolutionary new takes on the mutant metaphor. Now, the next seminal shift in […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025