At the edge of the universe, Saltus Duo leads a team of Mech-Rangers deep into their dying planet’s uncharted territories to locate the wayward Volatus Major, their former commander. As they face hostile forces and ancient secrets, the Mech-Rangers are tested by inner darkness, moral conflicts, and the lure of immense power.
Category: Markosia Comics
Pullbox Reviews Jane Jet: Book 1- Nuclear Shadows… an adventure set in the Golden Age of comics, minus the eye-rolling cheese
In a dieselpunk 1955, JANE JET hits the skies after killing her abusive husband, ROCKET MAN, and becoming public enemy number one. If she’s to survive, she’ll need to outfly the looming shadows of WWII and onslaughts from the nearly unstoppable armored heroes of this age. JANE JET serves two fistfuls of truth and fury […]
Pullbox Previews Samsara volume 2, A Crisis of Faith coming soon to a digital platform near you
In the heart of the ancient Panchavati forests, where faith and power collide, a dark hunger awakens. As Lakshman struggles to tame the ravenous hunger of a corrupted serpent spirit, unleashed from its spiritual moorings, Nirvan sees opportunity in chaos—a chance to forge a new belief, one that could reshape their war-torn realm. Can Lakshman […]
Pullbox Previews Shadows Over Venice, a dark fantasy following the twists and turns of magic and intrigue
Like storm clouds gathering over the historic city of Venice, a series of magical intrigues grows inside the society and wraps itself around the lives of famous Venetians in five different epochs of the republic’s history. Individuals can be found in every one of these epochs, who oppose the dark forces of this unknown magic […]
Pullbox Previews Geek Girl #11- Jump on the Geek Train, there’s plenty of room
Created and written by Sam Johnson (The Almighties, Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman) and illustrated by C Granda (Charmed, Grimm Fairy Tales), Geek-Girl is hot, popular college co-ed Ruby Kaye, who landed a pair of super-power-inducing tech glasses from her college’s resident brainiac on a drunken whim. Since doing so, Ruby – given the moniker […]
Pullbox Previews Identity Stunt 2: Father’s Figures- The trade paperback you have to read to believe!
Identity Stunt 2: Father’s Figures is in stores NOW! February 27, Austin, TX: In 2020, Identity Stunt: The Fall Guy blazed into comic and book stores at hyperspeed, taking the indie graphic novel world by storm. Now, embattled stuntman Sami Nasser and the rest of the Identity Stunt gang are back and ready to face […]
Identity Stunt 2: Father’s Figures is available now!
In 2020, Identity Stunt: The Fall Guy blazed into comic and book stores at hyperspeed, taking the indie graphic novel world by storm. Now, embattled stuntman Sami Nasser and the rest of the Identity Stunt gang are back and ready to face a sinister new threat in Identity Stunt 2: Father’s Figures! As promising new opportunities present themselves to the […]
Pullbox Previews AL15 volume 2: Broken Dreams- Through the Looking Glass with a stylish Sci Fi twist
Sequel to the highly acclaimed ALI5: The Adventure Begins ALI5 has arrived on Somnium Terram (Dream Land) to find her way home but has been captured and thrown into a surreal world of Augmented Reality. Guarded by AI and surrounded by Dragons, ALI5 has only a limited time to escape before her real world caves […]
Pullbox Reviews Identity Stunt 2: the Trade Paperback… “Bigger, badder, stuntier!”
Pullbox Reviews: Johnny Recruit, coming in the Spring of 2022 from teenage writer Theo Behe & Markosia
Teen writer and comics illustrator team up to create new WW2 comic “Johnny Recruit” Set in wartime Canada, England and Germany in 1941-2, Johnny Recruit is a story about hope, heroics and youthful ambition. When 14-year-old Big Johnny learns his uncle’s been captured by Nazis, he’s sure the only person who can rescue his mentor […]