[Los Angeles, CA] – PCB Entertainment, Keith Arem (Call of Duty Performance Director), Christopher Shy (Dead Space Comic Artist) – the creative team behind Image Comics’ award winning graphic novel, Ascend, is set to unveil Frost Road, set to launch on Kickstarter March 4, 2025. The thriller comic is best described as a high-intensity graphic […]
Category: Kickstarter
Pullbox Kickstarter Spotlight on The Long Death, first in the Forgotten Folklore line of graphic novels written by John Kratky
A Town Ruined by Plague! Iris and Victor find each other at a moment when they needed companionship most. Their parents have died, leaving them behind to a town full of ghosts from the past. There is nothing left but their newly forged friendship. They leave for the city of West Arcanshire, but find trouble […]
Pullbox Kickstarter Spotlight on The Jump, issues 1-4, with plenty of time to get in on this mind bending thriller
Returning to Kickstarter on Monday, February 17th is THE JUMP, a kick-you-in-the-teethparanoid thriller set in the world of astral projection from the FOUR-time Ringo-nominatedteam that brought you Banjax. After a series of crippling personal tragedies, Thomas Northrope retreats from his everyday lifeand finds comfort in an online community dedicated to the art of astral projection. […]
Pullbox Previews an Invader Comics Double Feature as Kodoja and Three Protectors recapture the cinematic feel of cult ‘70s classics.
INVADER COMICS GOES ALL-OUT WITH THEIR NEWKICK-ASS KUNG FU AND KAIJU DOUBLE FEATURE! Unfortunately, we missed this Kickstarter project… but they made their funding. While we wait for these installments to hit the Invader Store, the first volumes are available at a more than reasonable price (I know this because by way of apology for […]
Pullbox Previews Conrad van Cottonmouth #2- The epic saga of an extraordinary bunny continues… on Kickstarter now
Book 1 begins in Ancient Greece, where the Oracle of Delphi predicts that a rabbit will one day save the world. Millennia later, in New Jersey, a rabbit stumbles upon a crashed spaceship and is transported to an alien planet. There, he gains super-intelligence and the extraordinary ability to teleport anywhere on Earth, becoming Conrad Van […]
Pullbox Kickstarter Spotlight on Tokyo Blade Detectives: Born From Pain, now live on Kickstarter… and everything you need to know is right there in the title
What Is Tokyo Blade Detectives? If you’re new to Tokyo Blade Detectives, I’ll happily give you a quick recap of things! The story is set 200 years into the future, where Japan has been rebuilt through incredible technology and several new laws. But the one that no one can break is “No Guns Allowed.” While noble, […]
Pullbox Kickstarter Spotlight- Shaka: Nephilim Curse vol 1 “SECRET Societies, COSMIC Deities, EVIL Entities, and ANCIENT Technology”
Supreme ARTZ Universe Introduces “SHAKA: Nephilim Curse Vol. 1” – A Thrilling New Graphic Novel SECRET Societies, COSMIC Deities, EVIL Entities, and ANCIENT Technology; the only key to the APOCALYPTIC War, a CURSED ASSASSIN- SHAKA! Orlando, FL – January 21, 2025 – Supreme ARTZ Universe is excited to announce the launch of their groundbreaking graphic […]
Pullbox Reviews The Reckoning #1- Breaking barriers and combining the cool of X-Files, Seven, & Dawson’s Creek
The Reckoning is part of the Dachology Tales Series that promises gripping horror with a chalk full of supernatural beings, cryptids, and Kaiju running amuck. Among the countless and unrelenting horrors that pervade the world, hope and courage are found in the briefest of moments. Through adversity and tribulations, Dachology Tales was born on the […]
Pullbox Previews Venus Rises: Crossroads – A new addition to an epic sci fi universe, coming soon to Kickstarter
Get Ready for a New Chapter in the Venus Rises Universe: Crossroads! Early buzz for Venus Rises: Crossroads is already heating up! Don’t miss Jason Brown’s review over at midlifegamergeek.com – get a sneak peek at what’s in store for the next chapter of the Venus Rises saga: Read the spoiler-free review here! Venus Rises is an epic sci-fi comic series set in a […]
Back This – Fantastic Freaks, Issue 1: Race Against the C!ock
Fantastic Freaks: Race Against The C!ock Written by: Michael Bardo & Michelle Lodge Art by: Michelle Lodge (Comiclodge.com) Colors by: Fahriza Kamaputra (artstation.com/Fahrizakp) Letters by: Jaymes Reed (Reedletters.com) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/michellelodge/fantastic-freaks-issue-1-race-against-the-cock/description Blurbs from the kickstarter – Fantastic Freaks was written for fans of R-rated goofy comedies. This issue gave me laugh-out-loud moments, which is pretty hard these […]