Category: Independent

Pullbox Previews: The Last Wardens #1- Opening chapter for a new grindhouse inspired horror from The Cave

Where the scare sets in, a story unfolds. In this thrilling genre-masher, dream team Elliott Sperl and Amit Tishler unfold a dioramic horror twisted into supernatural crime drama America, 1975. Where the scare sets in, a story unfolds. With an alcoholic father and a hole in her wallet, Danielle Pryer’s life in the rustic town […]

Pullbox Previews RAMGOD #1- Don’t wait for the next Tron or Matrix movie to get your video game-inspired action thrills

THE FUTURE’S MOST DANGEROUS SPORT JUST GOT A NEW PLAYER. Massive Publishing has partnered with Darkrose Studios, to release RAMGOD, a new cyberpunk comic series that features a dynamic high-octane sport inspired by THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS and TRON franchises. This is a story we’ve been working on for the last five years, a […]

Pullbox Previews The Collected Letters of Courier Z- A sci fi anthology, coming soon to Kickstarter

Courier Z lives in her ship, pushes post all day long, slaves away under a system that shows no mercy — and it’s never enough. No wonder she’s started taking off-the-books jobs from less than savoury private customers. A girl has to eat! And laws keep you poor! She’s even reprogrammed her cute on-shop computer […]

Pullbox Previews The Luchaverse, featuring Lucha Libre legends from Massive Publishing and Masked Republic!

Massive Publishing partners with Masked Republic to release THE LUCHAVERSE, featuring a legendary cast of luchadores including Rey Mysterio and Tinieblas Jr. to battle monsters, aliens, and evil threats from across the cosmos. [Hood River, Oregon] Massive Publishing and Masked Republic team up this July to launch the most exciting luchador stories within the pages […]

Pullbox Previews Miskatonic High, Volume 3: The Lost Souls- The HP Lovecraft/John Hughes mashup we’ve always needed continues!

Welcome to Miskatonic High, the comic series about the monsters who reside in a small New England town and the teenagers who ride the bus with them. Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and skewered with our sarcastic sense of humor, this is a series unlike anything you’ve read. But don’t worry, you don’t […]

Pullbox Reviews Space Ghost #1- The Cosmic Vigilante flies again, compliments of Dynamite Comics & David Pepose!

Greed and corruption flourish in the darkness between stars. With the territories of the Galactic Federation spread far and wide across the vastness of space, pirates and hijackers ransack the distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists living within them. Yet there is a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice throughout the galaxy, […]

Pullbox Previews Of Her Own Design, A new Young Adult fantasy story, coming soon from Maverick & Mad Cave Studios

MIAMI, FL – Mad Cave’s YA Imprint MAVERICK is pleased to announce OF HER OWN DESIGN, out June 18, 2024.  In this incredible narrative from writers Birdie Willis and Nicole Andelfinger, teenage writer Brie Page gets magically transported to the world of stories, but no matter how far she goes, she can’t seem to escape […] is a part of ThePullbox LLC © 2007-2024