Category: Conventions

The Pullbox will see you at Chicago Tardis!

Although being a lifelong Doctor Who fan (flashback mid 80’s late night PBS), I have never been to Chicago Tardis. That all changes this November! Blurb – Chicago TARDIS, the Midwest’s largest Doctor Who event, brings together fans every Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate the world’s longest-running science fiction television show. “By fans, for fans” is the convention […]

Pullbox Indie Spotlight on Amiculus Books- Excellent horror one-shots for the discerning reader

Wandering the aisles of Artist Alley at C2E2 just a few months ago, I ran across the very enthusiastic Travis Horseman (no relation to BoJack). He was more than happy to tell me all about his love of writing horror comics steeped in historical fact, & I wound up grabbing a couple of his books, […]

Pullbox storms the beaches at C2E2 2023… and brings you the pictures to live vicariously

Well, it’s a couple days after Chicagoland’s titular comics and entertainment expo (hey, someone should look into copyrighting that or something). I was only there for one day this year, and I have my share regrets on that point but overall I had a great time. What were some of the highlights, you ask? Hey, […]

Marvel News at NYCC ’22

In addition to the special anthology one-shot MARVEL’S VOICES: WAKANDA FOREVER, the Marvel’s Voices: The World Outside Your Window panel at New York Comic Con just revealed three all-new limited series coming in February! Launching during Black History Month, these series will spotlight iconic and newly introduced Black heroes in thrilling sagas brought to the […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025