Category: comiXology

Pullbox Editorial, featuring Ultimate Spider-Man #1- You can stay in your lane, but you’ll get run over if you just sit there

This isn’t a review, just some observations that have come up in recent conversations (but yes, Ultimate Spider-Man #1 was a good book). I’ve heard a lot of talk about where the comic book industry is heading, whether it’s in its final days, and what we might need to do to maintain the status quo. […]

Pullbox Reviews Nice Jewish Boys #1- “Brotherhood, bar mitzvahs, and betrayal.”

Behind a backdrop of synagogues and Sabbath meals, three childhood best friends are embroiled in a delicate triangle of crime, cops, guilt, and gefilte fish, when this Jewish suburban crime story comes to an explosive head at a bar mitzvah packed with blintzes and betrayal. “Nice Jewish Boy” Jake Levin had no clue what he […]

Pullbox Previews Identity Stunt 2: Father’s Figures- The trade paperback you have to read to believe!

Identity Stunt 2: Father’s Figures is in stores NOW! February 27, Austin, TX: In 2020, Identity Stunt: The Fall Guy blazed into comic and book stores at hyperspeed, taking the indie graphic novel world by storm. Now, embattled stuntman Sami Nasser and the rest of the Identity Stunt gang are back and ready to face […]

Pullbox Reviews Sea of Thieves Origins, volume 1- Piracy, mystery, & swashbuckling mayhem from Titan Comics

Filled with action, gold, and untold tales of glory, the Sea of Thieves is a strange and treacherous stretch of ocean where scoundrels and scallywags from all walks of life flock to test their might and mettle. Within this pirate paradise, three Trading Companies thrive: one of greed and gilded flesh, one of mercenary merchants, and one of skeletal […]

Pullbox Reviews Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu- Eldritch horror meets chronic alcohol abuse

What’s always amazed me about the runaway hit cartoon show Rick & Morty is how completely misunderstood Rick Sanchez is by many of his fans. Sure, he’s a callous, short-tempered ass who gives his family no shortage of grief and anxiety, but there’s heart behind the subversion. He’s the mad scientist who knows his place […]

Pullbox Previews: Know Your Station #1 – A smart, sharp, and chilling whodunit… in Space!

A Killer Hunts the Rich in Space… The wealthiest people in the solar system abandoned the Earth for a private sanctuary in space, leaving the rest of us to die amidst cataclysmic climate change. But the 1% won’t be safe for long… A murderer is on the loose, specifically targeting the super-rich. Soon Elise, an […]

Pullbox Previews Sea Serpent’s Heir, book 1: Pirate’s Daughter- A young adult fantasy about growing up and changing your fate

Sea Serpent’s Heir, book 1: Pirate’s Daughter Skybound Entertainment Written by Mairghread Scott Illustrated by Pablo Tunica Available October 18, 2022 What if you were destined to destroy the world? For Aella, life on Kinamen Isle is one of boredom. Spending her days fishing and minding her aunts, she dreams of life beyond the horizon.   […]

Pullbox Reviews: Manhattan Manhunt, a sci-fi action-thriller set in the Big Apple

Manhattan Manhunt 488 Comics Created, Written, Colored, & Lettered by Enzo De Palma Illustrated by Joshua “Sway” Swaby Diego Albuquerque Cover art by Josh Burch Amidst a bitter New York City winter, an alien-hunting vigilante desperately searches for a deadly otherworldly monster. Hot on his tail is an FBI agent looking for answers. Struggling for […]

Pullbox NCBD Spotlight: Lower Your Sights, a new benefit anthology, from Mad Cave Studios & Voices of Children

This NCBD brings the release of our highly-anticipated benefit anthology in collaboration with Voices of Children, Lower Your Sights, to raise awareness and proceeds for children impacted by war. This special project will be making its big debut at SPX 2022! All earnings from the book’s sales are going directly to the Voices of Children […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025