Category: Amigo Comics

Amigo Comics Solicitations – April ’19

Amigo Comics is proud to present books from the evil mind of El Torres, Massimo Rosi and Colleen Douglas, with our friends at SallyBooks and some of the best artists around!  Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy… Want to know more?  The acclaimed horror miniseries Straitjacket continues!The Blackening reaches its finale.Time to take a NASTY PILL as well as indie creator Massacre shows you how to mix […]

Amigo Comics March 2018 Solicitations: The Suicide Forest keeps calling… and Rogues’ got Talent!

  Call of the Suicide Forest #3 (of 5) Story: Desiree Bressend Art: Ruben Gil Cover: Toni Fejzula Retailer incentive cover, served 1:10, by maestro Pasqual Ferry! Can the tradition survive the dead? Can the soul-less survive tradition? In the Aokigahara forest, the cradle of horrific ghost stories, notorious because of the many people going there to end their […]

Amigo Comics January 2018 Solicitations

New series! New emotions! New creators! Even new formats! Be prepared for this month, because we’re on fire! From Desiree Bressend and Ruben Gil, comes the horror with Call of the Suicide Forest, with covers by Toni Fejzula. Then, new creators and new stories of Bram and Weasel, with Tales of Rogues! This time, with Roberto Corroto and the stupendous Ertito Montana with our brigands trying to escape from […]

Amigo Comics Solicitations Oct ’17

UNLEASH TP Author(s): Jennifer Van Gessel & El Torres Artist(s): Nacho Tenorio & Sergio Mora Cover Artist(s): JuanFra MBIntended Audience: Mature Genre Action/Thriller Format Trade paperback, FC, 116 pages Retail Price: $19,99 Ship Date/Month: Oct 2017 ISBN: 9788416486731-51999The acclaimed miniseries in one volume! Emmie’s life changed forever when she was assaulted. She’s determined to find […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025