Posts: 104


Father of two doting (well, ish) teenage children, I am a counselor and divorce mediator by day (and evening, until 8 or so), and vanquisher of evil (in my head) by night. Also, I recently adopted a 2-year-old red heeler named Zelda, who is awesome. I like riding my Harley when it's not raining or snowing (so about three weeks per year), collecting vintage Marvels and playing whatever RPG is in season at The Table (c).

Latest Posts by the Author

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  8. Pullbox Reviews: Identity Stunt is Back, and it’s Sequel Time, Baby!
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  18. The Pullbox Gift Guide: Andy’s Take
  19. Pullbox Reviews: TKO Drops a Supernatural Noir Classic in Lonesome Days, Savage Nights!
  20. Pullbox Reviews: Children of the Grave Offers Post-Apocalyptic Mystery! is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025