This February, get ready for a showdown between Spider-Man and Deadpool! Only this time, Wade Wilson isn’t targeting his buddy Peter Parker, but the next generation’s web-slinger, Miles Morales! Witness this dynamic duo’s first major storyline together in “Pools of Blood,” a new crossover coming to the pages of both DEADPOOL and MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN. “Pools of Blood” will be written by the current scribe of both series, Cody Ziglar, and feature art by returning Deadpool artist Andrea Di Vito along with returning Miles Morales: Spider-Man artist Luigi Zagaria. The four-part saga will unfold February to March in DEADPOOL #11-12 and MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #30-31.
Following a vampire transformation and a soul-risking battle in Wakanda, Miles swings into one of his deadliest confrontations EVER as he finds himself hunted not by one Merc with a Mouth but TWO mercs with mouth?! Wade’s daughter, Ellie, recently took over the Deadpool mantle in the wake of her father’s death. Now that he’s back, she’s not stepping down. It’s the birth of Deadpool & Daughter, but will they eye to eye on their controversial first big mission? Or will hunting down the young hero cost the pair their new partnership?
It all begins in DEADPOOL #11 where Deadpool & Daughter embark on their first major job: TO TAKE OUT SPIDER-MAN! It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it. Or, at least they do if they want to get paid. And the events of recent issues have put them in quite a pickle!
“Pools of Blood” continues in MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #30! Spider-Man is back in Brooklyn – only to find himself right in the crosshairs of DEADPOOL…BOTH Deadpools! Wade Wilson has gone too far this time…and messed with the WRONG Spider-Man. How far will Wade go to collect on this contract, and who is really behind this job?! Whoever it is, it can’t be good for Deadpool OR Miles Morales!
It doesn’t matter who wins this fight, some bad #$%& is still going to happen! See what we mean in DEADPOOL #12. Wade’s only hope is to knock out Miles. Ellie is having second thoughts. But can the Deadpools and their business survive without this win? Not if Agent Gao has anything to say about it!
And “Pools of Blood” concludes in MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #31, the enemy of Spider-Man’s enemy is…DEADPOOL? But first, Spidey and the Deadpools have a score to settle. Should Miles Morales survive THIS fight…he’ll have to face the terrifying threat pulling all these strings!
“Anyone who knows me knows how much esteem I hold for Miles and the Deadpools,” Ziglar shared. “Which is why I’m so excited to write a crossover that lets them all interact! Ellie is new to the super hero scene so having her interact with someone else who’s picked up a mantle was so fun to write.”
Check out all four covers and preorder “Pools of Blood” at your local comic shop today! For more information, visit