Pullbox Local Comic Shop Spotlight on Ken’s Comics & Collectibles, now open in Palm Coast, Florida

Always looking for new comic shops whenever I’m out and around… especially when I find out Ken’s Comics & Collectibles just opened up in my town of Palm Coast, Florida! I took a slight detour to check it out, & found a whole lot of promise through that door seen above. After spending about an hour chatting with Proprietor Ken and his helpful assistant/daughter Piper, I’m looking forward to spending a lot more time there, and in all likelihood too much money.

Stained-glass Deadpool greets all customers with a smile (we think… hard to tell for sure through that mask)

At 160 Cypress Point Pkwy #A209, Palm Coast, FL, United States, Florida on the upper level of a busy outdoor shopping center, Ken’s shop has a good location with a lot of traffic. Visibility might be his biggest problem, as his shop is in a long row, and a couple of trees break up the line of sight from the parking lot. Once a pilgrim makes their way through the front door, all bets are off and doubts are relieved.

Yes, there’s a lot of work to be done, but when I walked in I was greeted by Ken & his daughter/helpful employee Piper. They both might have been happy to take a break from the unboxing/pricing/shelving for a friendly chat. It started as a pretty quick tour, Ken and Piper pointing out where some items were & where many more were planned to be.

I wasn’t kidding about “friendly”. Mention the words indie comics to Ken and off to town we went. Turns out the indie scene is his passion, and it isn’t long before the sharp-eyed customer spots some gold on his shelves. Apparently, back in Sacramento Ken had a reputation as a finder of hard-to-find things. Any doubts of that should be set aside… just ask him about the comic, The High Priest of Rhythmic Noise.

When all of the work is done and things are in place, Ken’s Comics & Collectibles has all of the promise in the world, and for purely selfish reasons I’m hoping all the best for them! It isn’t easy to pull up roots, move across the country, and try to establish a brick-and-mortar storefront these days. But if Ken & his family can put half as much effort into their business as Ken did once he got rolling on the topic of independent comics, there should be no end to what they can get done.

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