She-hulk #28

She-Hulk #28 (Marvel – David / Semeiks / Meikis / Sotomayor)

Tracking down the mysterious bomber who attacked her in New York City, She-Hulk finds herself in prison – and the story of why she left her legal career behind finally begins to come to light.

If you watched my body language when I read She-Hulk, you would not know how much respect and admiration I have for Peter David. He is literally a legend… but this issue is pretty close to filler. Jenn is stuck in prison because someone higher up the “clan destine” ladder stabber her in the back. She-Hulk trying to find the bright part about being a good guy is becoming a reoccuring theme. The best part of the book is when Jenn gets to make up trash about the Juggernaut to try to quell her cell mate.

Issue Grade: C

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:11 pm

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