She-Hulk #26 (Marvel – David / Moll / Land / Olazaba)
THE WHOLE HERO THING Conclusion! As the battle between an Alien Bounty Hunter and an Intergalactic Fugitive rages on around them, She-Hulk and her new partner must try to defend the innocent lives caught in the crossfire. Finally, Jen will re-learn what it means to be a hero – at a terrible cost.
The conclusion to this arc has perhaps been the best issue within the arc, and has been the only one even close to the standard that we hold up Peter David. Jen’s lesson can be summed up by the spirit of Uncle Ben “With Great Power…” well, you know the schtick. Jen has a few moments of selfishness and the whole world crumbles around her… she embraces her own inner-hero and the story comes to a sobering end… with a death of an innocent mom on a camping trip and a good look at skrull savagery.
With She-hulk finding her center again, I hope we can center, I’m hoping we can move this book onto something interesting. The art has been fine, it just feels like the story has been a filler arc and trying to buy time for something big… mmmm… perhaps Secret Invasion. Over all not bad, but between Peter David and Jennifer Walters, I know there is better.
Issue Grade: B-