Grimm Fairy Tales: Return to Wonderland #6

Grimm Fairy Tales: Return to Wonderland #6 (of 6) (Zenescope – Gregory / Leister / Ruffino)

The journey into the disturbing world of Wonderland comes to a shocking conclusion. Calie has managed to find her way out of the twisted realm with the help of an unlikely hero. But madness won’t let go that easily as Calie must deal with a betrayal she never saw coming as the true origin of Wonderland is finally revealed to her.

Wonderland #6 get’s the comeback award of the month. The last issue was simply a gore-fest without any real plot (a lowpoint for the Wonderland series) and in just one issue Raven Gregory ties up the loose ends of Zenescope’s twisted look at Lewis Carroll’s classic. But he doesn’t just tie it up, he binds it with a chilling narrative that makes this series a 2008 standard for intelligent horror writing. Carroll Ann and Alice’s family history is revealed, the origin and explanation of Wonderland is laid out, and Calie makes some grave choices about the undeniable heritage given to her. Masterfully laid out, issue #6 sets up for a possible sequel while still finishing this arc. The gorgeous art has been a constant throughout the entire series. Cannot wait for the 3-part sequel series coming soon. Pullbox Warning: due to graphic scenes and content, this is not for the Middle schooler.

Issue Grade: A

Series Grade: A-

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Updated: February 25, 2008 — 12:26 am

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