Star Trek: Year Four #4

Star Trek: Year Four #4 (IDW – Tischman / Coonley) – IDW’s summary read as follows “On Viden 9, the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a planet similar to 21st century Earth, where the population has a never-ending appetite for entertainment, and people will do anything for fame. When Captain Kirk and his crew become media sensations, the competing networks that control Viden’s government won’t let them leave, unless Kirk agrees to a deadly “finale.” Written by David Tischman (Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space Between) with art by Steve Conley, and an incentive cover by Joe Corroney.”  As with the three previous issues, this series hits the proverbial Jeffery Tube Panel square at it’s base.  Tischman owns the classic characters that fans hold dear… reading the comic you hear Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley’s voice, you can see their acting quirks come out in the art.  Star Trek comics have been around since 1967 back with Gold Key / Western Press.  I don’t believe you will find another series that ever come as close to the original series spirit and personality as IDW’s Year Four.  For the Trekkie in your life… start thinking Christmas presents (individual issues, subscriptions, trades).  The IDW summary does a a good job of giving you a feel for the episode (issue) as our crew takes it’s social commentary about the media and the entertainment industry.  Interesting note: at the end of the issue, after the crew gets out of their contract, Spock calculates that a show about Kirk and his crew would get cancelled after 88 episodes due to changing public opinion. Hmmmm…. 88 episodes, 80 original episode plus 8 movies… good guess Mr. Spock!

Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2007 — 11:02 am


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