Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters #2 (DC – Palmiotti / Gray / Arlem) – This is the second issue of the follow-up series to the some of the best writing in 2006. Uncle Sam is the “conscience” book of the DCU… Who should heroes help? Why should heroes help? Who should be heroes? This second series sees the Freedom Fighters split on opinions as to whether or not be poster children for the US Government. Half of the team goes with Uncle Sam to his pocket nirvana and the other half become celebrities with the Government’s backing. While the political overtones of the book are sometimes a bit much, Uncle Sam is still an expert balance of drama and action. In this issue, we see Phantom Lady self-implode from both personal demons and the weight of having to balance being a role model for young women everywhere and being herself and having privacy. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray show that they can still tell a great tale and Uncle Sam newcomer Renato Arlem shows the visual skill to keep the story compelling. Uncle Sam is a great superhero story and compelling political drama wrapped into one.
Grade: A