The Return of Bruce Wayne!

I don’t know guys.  First, it seems too early to bring Bruce back into the DCU.  Let Dick have his moments in the cowl for a few more years.  Second, when I saw who was writing it, it made me throw-up in my mouth a little bit.

Here’s the story from Newsarama and USAToday.

The week of DC 2010 announcements continued this morning with one fans have quite simply been waiting for. On the official DCU Blog The Source ( and in USA Today, the anticipated Return of Bruce Wayne was made official.

Written by current Batman and Robin scribe, and now long-established helmsman of Batman’s flagship comics Grant Morrison, the story will see where Bruce Wayne has been since being hit with Darkseid’s Omega Sanction eyebeams in Final Crisis #6 (also by Morrison). The character was pronounced dead by the characters of the DCU, with only his protegé and adopted son Tim Drake Wayne, now Red Robin, believing him to still be alive, searching for clues to lead to his return.

The six issue mini-series, beginning in April 2010, will follow Bruce Wayne in a journey through time, trying to find his way back to the present-day Gotham City he calls home. Each issue will feature art by a different art team, with Chris Sprouse handling 

the first issue (featuring Caveman/Viking Batman), and Frazer Irving handling the second (featuring Witch-hunter Batman). Superstar artist Andy Kubert is doing character designs on the series, as shown here.

In an interview with USA Today (, Morrison said of the series, “[it’s] the latest chapter in the long-running, “definitive” Batman epic I’ve been trying to pull off since 2005, [but] Return has been structured and written to read as a complete story on its own.” So readers who haven’t been reading Morrison’s run with the character for the last several years should still be able to keep up with this series.

He also revealed some of the settings of the series, including the Late-Paleolithic Era (Caveman/Viking Batman), a Pilgrim-era Gotham (Witch-hunter Batman), a Pirate Batman, a “western” style Gotham with Cowboy Batman, and a Noir Private Investigator Batman. Morrison, agian to, calls this story ” Bruce Wayne’s ultimate challenge — Batman vs. history itself!”

The other artists on the series will be announced soon.”

The dropping of the ball has, again, begun.

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Updated: December 10, 2009 — 1:09 pm

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