Pullbox News 9/21

  • Starting with issue #22, industry legend and Hulk mythos architect Peter David takes over the title… While Dan Slott will be missed at Shulky’s side, he is continuing his fantastic run on The Initiative
  • The Anthology Popgun vol 1 is due out in November from Image comics. This one shot graphic novel will be 400+ page and include over 100 creators (Larson, Allred, Kuhn to name a few) telling new stories using new and established characters. This is a fresh situation for the fanboy who is tired of having to spend $2.99 to check out a new writer / artist or character.
  • Ultimate Origins (Bendis) coming soon explaining how all of the Marvel Ultimate titles are connected from WWII to the future of the Ultimates
  • In November Kurt Busiek starts The Third Kryptonian storyline throughout the Superman books… bringing in a new villain and more revamping of Krypton’s past
  • speaking of such… Kevin J. Anderson’s new book The Last Days of Krypton, giving a cannon set History (backed by DC) of Jor-El seems a must for sci-fi, Superman or Anderson fans.
  • World War Hulk ends with WWH:Aftersmash with new spin-offs for the Warbound, the Renegades,Tom Foster and Damage Control
  • If you just didn’t get enough of Civil War (yea right)… Mark Millar’s Civil War Sketch Book is coming in November… this offer behind the scenes additions, deleted scenes and never before seen sketches and material dealing with Civil War
  • Spider-man’s One more day storyline will come to a head in Amazing #545, resetting some of the Peter’s story and his relationship to M.J. and it continues to be played out in the one-shot Brand New Day
  • Jimmy Olsen starts… wait, who cares about Jimmy Olsen
  • Captain Marvel returns in his own mini… straight out of his warden job during Civil War
  • A Venom Virus attacks Manhattan in an upcoming story arc in Mighty Avengers, starting with issue #7
  • spiraling out of the Endangered Species arc, the first mutant born in a post-House of M Marvel Earth puts all of mutantkind in a desperate race in the Messiah Complex storyline, which follows all of the X-books from October thru January
  • DC’s Countdown officially changes it’s name to Countdown to Final Crisis (have fun in your comic databases… reverse order and a name change… yea)
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Updated: September 21, 2007 — 11:20 am

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