Captain Marvel #1 (Cover Warning!)

Captain Marvel #1 (Marvel – Reed / Weeks) – has this to say about their new Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) book. From the pages of CIVIL WAR comes the tale of a man out of time! An accident in the Negative Zone propels Captain Marvel from the past to the present day. Now he must come to terms not only with his own impending death, but with the way the world has changed in the time he has been gone. Brian Reed (NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI; MS. MARVEL) and Lee Weeks (DAREDEVIL; SPIDER-MAN: DEATH AND DESTINY) bring you the mini–series that returns one of Marvel’s greatest heroes back where he belongs.
Rated A …$2.99″

From the pages of Civil War comes Marvel’s newest time-travel excuse…er, I mean time-traveling hero. If you haven’t read Civil War and don’t know why this long dead hero is back, let me enlighten you. Kree hero Mar-Vell died in 1982 and was a big loss to the Marvel U. Since then, comic readers have been reading about the adventures of Mar-Vell’s children Genis and Phyla. Through some Negative Zone wormhole plot device, Mar-Vell is transported to our time before he engaged in the battle that would lead to his death.

The book read very well as we get insight into what Mar-Vell thinks of the human race. The scene with the painting, I felt, was genius. Well done Mr. Reed, well done. As much as I loved the metacognition Mar-Vell was engaged in, I really loved how he dealt with a pesky super-villain. This is not the light 1970’s version of a hero. Mar-Vell is a solider from another planet who’s ready to do what needs to be done to protect the public.

The art was very solid. I do have to mention that Ed McGuinness does not do the interior art, nor would I want him to. Don’t get me wrong, I love McGuinness style, I just don’t think it works well with Captain Marvel. Lee Week’s on the other hand made it feel like slipping on a comfy pair of shoes.

I look forward to the rest of this mini-series and hope to see a great ending.

Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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