Annihilation Conquest: Quasar #4

Annihilation Conquest: Quasar #4 (Marvel – GAGE / LILLY) – I’m not sure when it happened, but at some point the “Summer Crossover Event” has rearranged the space-time continuum so that “summer” last until the winter of the following year. That’s when the Annihilation Conquest crossover will be finished, and let’s face it, it hasn’t been a totally smooth ride.

Marvel promotes the last issue of Quasar on their site with this text:”The entire Conquest event changes here – in the hands of the daughter of Captain Marvel! Quasar and the former Avenger Moondragon have closed in on the supposed savior of the Kree — but will the Super-Adaptoid beat them to their quarry? And just who or what is the object of their quest? The answers lie in the issue that leads directly into ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST #1!”


The savior of the universe will be none other than….Adam Warlock! Really Marvel? Adam Warlock is gonna come out of 1970’s obscureness and save everyone of us? Oh wait, I know! He’ll come out of 1990s comic obscureness with the Infinity Gauntlet and save us! Nope, he’ll just come out of big cocoon underdeveloped (we now have another teen hero), covered in goo, and completely oblivious to what is going on.

As much as I loath the idea of Adam Warlock coming back, Christos Gage did the best he could with what he was given. The art of Mike Lilly showed some real promise in the later issues ans some sparks of possible greatness. I’m hoping the efforts of these two do not go unnoticed and that the story they crafted has an impact on the Annihilation Conquest main story.

Grade: C+

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:09 pm

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