Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 (Marvel – Millar / Pacheco / Miki)
Guess who’s back!! That’s right, kids, MARK MILLAR (THE ULTIMATES, WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN) and superstar artist CARLOS PACHECO (AVENGERS FOREVER, X-MEN) blast into the Ultimate Universe for a mind-blowing, heart-pounding and gut-wrenching event of epic proportions! When a highly-classified secret threatens Captain America, only the newly-returned Nick Fury has the tools to bring ‘em in! As the first of a series of blockbuster arcs begins: PROJECT AVENGERS is a go!
This was a very interesting read, becasue over the past few months through various stories, Wizard has basically given away the entire plot of this first issue… so I, along with anyone else paying attention, knows the big secret that The Ultimate Red Skull is really Steve Roger’s son. But you know what, this was still fun!
The fact that I had the spoiler down didn’t ruin the issue at all. The pacing was great, the interaction between Cap and Hawkeye were a blast and the overall feel brought me back a few years when I thought that the Ultimates was the best book out. Mark Millar is putting his best foot forward and Carlos Pacheco is showing exactly why is being hailed as one of the rising stars of the year. If this is the direction of the new Ultimate Comics line, then Kudos to Marvel.
The biggest spoiler was really the back cover where we get to see some more of the ongoing supporting cast of the series in this new post-Ultimatum universe.
Issue grade: A