Star Wars: Legacy #29

Star Wars: Legacy #29 ( Dark Horse – Ostrander / Parsons )

“With his bounty-hunter pals and a team of Imperial Knights, Cade Skywalker plans to assassinate the Sith Emperor Darth Krayt. The first step in their scheme requires a risky attack on a remote Imperial outpost in hopes of drawing Krayt away from Coruscant.

But even if that works, members of the team are divided in their feelings about their “secret weapon”–Celeste Morne, an ancient Jedi Knight of the Old Republic who is in possession of–and possibly possessed by–the powerful Muur Talisman.

As we plunge into the final chapters of the yearlong “Vector” crossover, the power of the Talisman threatens to shake the galaxy to its foundations!”

Yep, it’s that time in the 12 part cross-over when things get really really boring. Honestly, we’ve seen Celeste Morne take on three different generations of Skywalkers and they all seem to end in the same way. With Morne giving some ominous warning with her personal Sith ghost in the background. I’m just kind of done with the whole Vector thing. I think it’s great how John Jackson Miller and the other Star Wars writers were able to pull of a cross-over spanning thousands of years, but it’s starting to drag on.

I love all the current Star Wars comics, but this particular cross-over event should have been 10 issues, not 12. Time to put it to bed.

Grade: C-

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Updated: November 11, 2008 — 1:35 pm

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