Pullbox Previews Huibert the Most Underrated Hero to Hire, a web comic featuring the courageously long-named hero to grace GlobalComix

“Huibert: The Most Underrated Hero to Hire” is a humor/adventure comic along the same lines as Asterix, Scud the Disposable Assassin, and Tin Tin. It is the story of Huibert, a stoic man who has a Don Quixote complex: he sees himself as a hero and hires himself out to anyone who needs a hero. Huibert doesn’t look like a typical hero (no big muscles, no vibrant costume, and not athletic looking) but he does have a utility belt, a specially equipped car, a proboscis monkey, who is Non-binary, as his secretary, and is a master in the international fighting art of professional wrestling.

In issue One of this three part issue (one issue coming out per month), Huibert is hired by Maxema Zumph, the widow of the late richest man in the world, Arnold Zumph. Arnold Zumph’s private plane mysteriously disappears and he is presumed dead. Maxema claims that the killers are now after her and she needs Huibert to protect her. What happens next makes Maxema wish she never hired Huibert and later Huibert meets Legal Mao, a lawyer who claims Arnold Zumph is alive and needs Huibert to rescue him. This ending leads to Issue two.

“Huibert: The Most Underrated Hero to Hire” is part humor, part adventure, part super hero, and a touch of noir. The comic will be in black and white with color covers and is aimed at ages 15+. Huibert may not seem like the typical hero but as he always says “You may underrate me but never underestimate me.”

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