writer: Tony Fleecs
artist: Pop Mhan
covers: Bjorn Barends (A), Arthur Suydam (B), Tony Fleecs (C), Chris Burnham (D)
FC | 32 pages | Horror/Adventure | $4.99 | Teen+
In this issue: the legendary Ash Williams has never faced anything like the Necronomicon Baby — and he has definitely seen some freaky-ass things in his time! Naturally, as per usual for the Chosen One, things are about to go from bad to worse — across the past, present, and future!
Continuing the action after Army of Darkness: The Director’s Cut’s cliffhanger ending, Army of Darkness Forever #7 from writer TONY FLEECS and artist POP MHAN also features four ferocious covers by FLEECS, BJORN BARENDS, ARTHUR SUYDAM, and CHRIS BURNHAM!

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