Pullbox Previews In Our Dreams Awake #2 – Are we dreamers or part of the dream? Follow on Kickstarter to find out

In Our Dreams Awake #2: A Cyberpunk/Fantasy Adventure

Jason Byron can’t wake up! The painter paints a crashed alien spaceship. The cyberpunker fights a gang war and talks with cats. HELP!

(Just a note, I loved the first issue of In Our Dreams Awake. If you want to see a full review of that issue before considering backing the second, hit the link – Paul)

In Our Dreams Awake is the story of Jason Byron, a man who dreams of two lives. In one fantasy, he lives in a world ruled by mages and makes his way as a painter. hiding contraband technology. In the other world, he leads a cyberpunk gang amid a future of flooded cities and filled aliens.

It is the story of what happens when both of those worlds begin to spin out of control. What happens when Jason no longer knows which world is the dream and which one is reality.

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