Pullbox Previews Gods Among Men #1 – Step “Through the looking glass” with the upcoming True Crime story, this April

TRAINSPOTTING meets BREAKING BAD in this socially disruptive true crime story. We invite you to peer through the looking glass.

One man’s dire bid to save his restaurant and provide a better life for his family, takes him on a descent into the criminal realm. A journey that reveals the familiar world of the mundane and the ethereal nature of the narcotic world, really aren’t so different after all.

“We present our readers with the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a daunting world that exists alongside ours with none of the risk. Everything you see is a true story. Names of individuals have
been changed to protect their identities. We invite you to peer through the looking glass – question your understanding of reality, and redefine those we deify – because the truth isn’t in these pages. It’s among us.”

Josh Mak – Co-creator

“Gods Among Men is more than just a wild fantasy plucked from one’s imagination. It’s based on a true and personal story, one we’ve developed for almost a decade – which means we know exactly where the story will go and how it ends. As things unfold, it will become clear how truth is truly stranger than fiction.”

Aaron Mak – Co-creator

“It is intensely fascinating. It subverts the Hollywood fantasy, but at the same time makes it far more fantastical.”

Ben Sullivan – Artist
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