Pullbox Previews Kaiju Libre #1- The first of (hopefully) 3 bouts of Kaiju Battling Action!

  • Kaiju Libre
  • Arc Welder Studios
  • Created by Damon Noller & Tad Galusha

Now available, the first of three falls of rousing Kaiju Libre™ excitement mashing up colossal Kaiju-style monsters with Lucha Libre wresting action. Don’t miss out on your chance to get the first of a series of 12-page limited edition comics today! Place your order via the Arc Welder Studios store!

Ella es la campeona del pueblo! Striding across the border at nearly thirty stories tall, Gila Gigante is one of the all time great Kaiju Técnicas.
A behemoth of a waterbear, from the bathy salt marshes of the gulf, Oso’s near indestructibility makes him a glutton for punishment, not to mention nematodes, at the hands of his handler and Kaiju Libre combatants.
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