CAPTAIN AMERICA: COLD WAR, the epic crossover between CAPTAIN AMERICA: SENTINEL OF LIBERTY and CAPTAIN AMERICA: SYMBOL OF TRUTH, is exploding across the Marvel Universe as Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson team up to stop Bucky Barnes and the White Wolf from unleashing the chaos of Dimension Z! As the saga kicks into high gear in the weeks to come, fans should also brace themselves for the crossover’s explosive aftermath in CAPTAIN AMERICA FINALE #1, an extra-sized one-shot coming this August.
It all comes down to this! CAPTAIN AMERICA FINALE #1 will mark the end of Steve Rogers’ current era as writers Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing and artist Carmen Carnero present the climactic final battle of their CAPTAIN AMERICA: SENTINEL OF LIBERTY run. Steve will make his final stand against the Outer Circle, the new group of villains who now count Bucky Barnes as a member. Has Bucky finally come to his senses? Or will his misguided actions mark the end of one of comic book’s longest-standing friendships? Using information gathered from friends on the inside, Steve Rogers sets his sights on releasing the world from the Outer Circle’s influence and ending the Century Game for good. Within this thrilling confrontation also comes a new beginning—Bucky’s journey as the Revolution, Sharon Carter’s evolution as the new Destroyer, Black Widow’s new mission, and much more will continue later this year!

“The Century Game is coming to its explosive end – and we’re all so thankful for every reader who joined us for the ride,” Kelly shared. “SENTINEL OF LIBERTY could never have happened without the visual mastery of Carmen Carnero, who brought every moment of this story to life with boundless imagination and truly human empathy. Nolan Woodard’s colors helped create a brutal, beautiful world, while Joe Caramagna perfected every character’s voice. And our deepest thanks goes to our fearless editor Alanna Smith and her equally dauntless assistant editor Kaitlyn Lindvedt – who got us through the trenches and into safety on the other side.”
“This series has been life-changing for Collin and me,” Lanzing added. “Every page of SENTINEL OF LIBERTY was a labor of love, every character has become like family, every collaborator is among the best in the business. We’ve had the true honor of being embraced by the Captain America fanbase – who work to bring Steve Rogers’ moral clarity and goodness into the world every day. From the mystery of the Outer Circle, to the rise of the New Invaders, to the monster-filled chaos of COLD WAR, this story has been a dream. And though it’s bittersweet to bring ‘The Century Game’ to a close, rest assured that we aren’t done with these characters or the arcs they’ve begun here.”
Check out Carmen Carnero’s latest breathtaking cover below and witness the end of an era when CAPTAIN AMERICA FINALE #1 hits stands in August. For more information, visit