Pullbox storms the beaches at C2E2 2023… and brings you the pictures to live vicariously

Well, it’s a couple days after Chicagoland’s titular comics and entertainment expo (hey, someone should look into copyrighting that or something). I was only there for one day this year, and I have my share regrets on that point but overall I had a great time. What were some of the highlights, you ask? Hey, thanks for feeding me a great lead in to an article! Be warned, this is a long one, but take heart it’s mostly pictures for your eyeballs…

From the start, my idea was to spend most of my day in Artist Alley. I had a stack of comics that I really wanted to get autographed, and I’m very happy to report that with a relatively short amount of time waiting in lines I got ’em all!

Five Years by Terry Moore
E-Man (one of my first superhero comics) by artist Joe Staton
Gryffen by Ben Kahn, always a joy to chat with, as much a fan as a writer
IDS2 #1, a more personal comic signed by cover artist Kyler Clodfelter (you’re next, Joe K)
Justice League #1, signed by artist Kevin Maguire
Meduson by the ridiculously talented Camron Johnson
Pimp Killer, follow up the the phenomenally brutal .357 Magnum Opus by Ghezal Omar
World’s Finest #1, one of the best superhero comics running, by artist Dan Mora

Some other great grabs I found while wandering the Alley weighed my backpack down like Sisyphus hauling his bolder. Nothing warms my cockles like poking around and coming across some great indie titles & chatting with their enthusiastic creators…

Amiculus by Travis Horseman
Calico from Sigma Comics… get a comic, support a great cause
Major Holmes & Captain Watson from Cloudwrangler Comics
Local Man from Image Comics, written by Tim Seeley
Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Terror, from Ahoy Comics

Aside from additions to the reading pile, I managed to take in the sights & enjoy the atmosphere of the con. C2E2 never seems to disappoint, managing to balance guests, vendors, celebrities, & panels with more organization than other events I’ve been to. They ain’t perfect, but they give it a great shot and manage to keep it all moving.

The family that Cosplays together…
Even Wednesday was happy to be at the Con…
Gotta respect a fellow with a love for the classics…
The celebs are there… I just couldn’t get any closer without risking a police action
Found him!
The crime is that this courageous fella couldn’t get in to have Chris Evans sign the banana…

That’s it, a whole day’s worth of joy, meeting & greeting my people, and aching knees. A huge thanks to the C2E2 crew, all of the creators who came out to chat with crowds, and the fans who showed up to make it all happen. Next time, folks!

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