Pullbox Previews – Over the Ropes: Broken Kayfabe (Vol #2)

Mad Cave Studios

Author: Jay Sandlin

Artist: Antonello Cosentino

Colors: Francesco Segala

Letters: Justin Birch

Cover Artist: Antonello Cosentino, Francesco Segala

The gloves come off when a rival promotion led by Jason’s estranged father, Buddy Peacock, invades SFW’s hit TV show; Explode. When Courtney, wrestling under the moniker Scorch, is injured, Jason must choose between family and fame in a bout with permanent stipulations. When the final bell rings, it’ll be Phoenix vs. Peacock — father vs. son, in a main event for the unified championship. Will Phoenix rise again or lose it all in a puff of smoke? Collects issues #1 -5.

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