The Spider-verse continues to expand! Spider-UK!

 The future of the Spider-Verse is here! Beginning on August 3, fans will see the SPIDER-VERSE expand like never before in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE, a new limited series that will introduce brand-new Spider-Heroes including Spider-UK and check in with iconic favorites such as Ghost-Spider. The series will contain a range of stories from longtime Spidey creators and rising stars, each with bold additions to the Spider-Man mythos. Amidst these thrilling debuts and fresh status quos, Spider-Man visionary Dan Slott will be laying the groundwork for SPIDER-MAN #1, an all-new ongoing series launching later this year. Featuring artwork by Mark Bagley, SPIDER-MAN will begin with the end of the Spider-Verse as fans know it…

Here’s what fans can expect from the second issue in this exciting saga, EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #2, on sale August 17:

·       Writer Ramzee and artist Ruairí Coleman bring you the first adventure of the new SPIDER-UK! Check out her look, designed by artist Zoe Thorogood, in a special design variant cover!

·       Mastermind writer Dan Slott and artist Paco Medina present a pivotal chapter in the Spider-Verse epic with the return of SHATHRA, the mysterious Spider-Wasp who hails from the astral plane!

·       Writer Mallory Rosenthal and artist Ig Guara pit Ghost-Spider against Mysterio in a breathtaking battle!

·       Iconic artist Chris Giarrusso brings together some of your favorite Spider-Heroes in a brand-new Mini-Marvels strip!

Check out all the covers for EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #2 plus a first look at interior artwork, and stay tuned in the weeks ahead for more news about what’s to come in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE! For more information, visit

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