Pullbox Previews: Home Free – Hard-Boiled indie noir, coming soon to Kickstarter!


Portland, Ore. October 2021 – In the midst of America’s fall, Sara attempts an escape to Mexico, but as
she travels south from Oregon she must confront a past that has ties to the very beginning of the

Home Free is a 5 issue limited series that takes you on a road trip of crime & circumstances through America during a time of downfall.  The lead is Sara, a woman who has been through hell and has hidden herself away in Coos Bay, OR.  When she befriends a young sex worker named Emmy, Sara decides that maybe it’s time to disrupt her complacency and help the girl escape from her brooding pimp Grip.

The wider scope of this story will follow Sara who has been running from her own complicated past, as she comes to terms with events that she was involved in which are now shaping the world around her.  As the country falls apart, she must constantly get herself out of bad situations with the idea that leaving the country will also leave all the bad behind and allow her to start something new.  

John Kratky and Michelle Lodge, the creators of Home Free, have been working together in comics
since 2013. Their first project together, and precursor to this series, is a graphic novel titled The Black
Wall. “Although a sequel,” John Kratky adds, “Home Free is very much its own story. It works as a
reaction, and makes The Black Wall a stronger work when Home Free is read first, as it puts the lifechanging events from that comic into a new context.”

Their take on the noir genre is less hard-boiled, and more in line with dramatic crime-fiction. “There is
nothing scarier than scared Americans and the actions we take when we feel our livelihood is at risk,”
says author Joh Kratky about his approach to characters. “Fear can take anybody on a ride towards the

Michelle has already been a part of successful Kickstarter campaigns, including her comic strip
Moementality, but this will be her first with John. “The best part about comics is their dynamic blend
of story and artwork, which delivers a unique experience that only they can offer,” says Michelle.

The plan is to publish each issue on Kickstarter, building to finally having The Black Wall printed, with
hopes of finding a new audience for their comics in the process. The style of the comic is stark black
and white, with a more realistic approach to the world and characters to maximize on the emotion of
the story. Michelle adds, “With my art style, I’m hoping to convey a particular mood. I want to pull
you into the world where the characters live, bringing an immersive experience for each reader.”

They both have high hopes for present success to help lay the foundation for their future collaborations
in noir comic storytelling. Fans of this genre have a new creative team to dive into and discover with
the launch of Home Free on October 29th.

(Issue 1 is available now, issue 2 will be coming soon to Kickstarter…)

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