Kickstarter Spotlight on Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: Battle Royale (with cheese…)

Tagging in off the top rope…!

(The campaign is live right now, with plenty of perks, addons, & early bird incentives to be had…)

Press Release…

LOS ANGELES, CA – Wannabe Press is excited to bring Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: Battle Royale, the third and final book in the Cthulhu is Hard to Spell series, to Kickstarter on February 22nd.

Cthulhu is back, and this time heroes of legends will team up to send him and the old gods back into the void of oblivion where they belong…but these immortal deities of chaos and disorder will not go easy.

The third and final volume, Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: Battle Royale. features stories by Trina Robbins (the first woman to draw Wonder Woman) David Pepose (Scout’s Honor), Christian Gossett (The Red Star), and a fantastic cover by Aaron Alexovich (Invader Zim), among many fabulous writers and artists.

If you feel the urge to look back and previous volumes, here’s some info from WannaBePress’s very own Russell Nohelty & Kat ComicUno

Cthulhu is Hard to Spell

Thirty-five stories about the gods and monsters of Lovecraft. There are cute stories, funny stories, scary stories, retellings of famous Lovecraft stories, and much more.


Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: The Terrible Twos

Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: The Terrible Twos contains thirty-eight all-ages appropriate stories from 73 creators about the gods and monsters of the Lovecraft universe. Yes, there is horror, but there are also silly stories, funny stories, sci-fi stories, whimsical stories, and slice of life stories as well. The focus is on the gods and monsters themselves, with plenty of psychological and cosmic horror thrown into the mix, too.

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