Are you really an 80’s action fan if you haven’t read Lords of the Cosmos #4?

I don’t what to say except I love everything Jason Lennox does. His vision of the evolved fantastical melodramatic Saturday morning cartoon hits me right in my inner 12-year heart. Is it gorgeous art? Yes! Are there outrageous amazing characters? Yes! Is there over-the-top dialogue? Yes! Is a crazy “conquer the world” plot? Is it exactly what I need to de-stress from the crap sandwiches of a long day? A resounding Yes!

If you haven’t checked out Lords of the Cosmos yet, do you yourself a favor and order below!

Lords of the Cosmos #4

Answer the Call
Get ready for another set of blockbuster adventures in the dangerous universe of Lords of the Cosmos in its smashing fourth issue! Welcome back to the exciting and dangerous Aiden, the world of the Lords of the Cosmos! In the fourth issue we witness the heroes turn their attention to Umex’s destruction of the world capital of Gemspire as we find start learning details of the fallen Myrmidon, and the blood thirsty sword of Aegeus! Other stories include the origins of the heroic Felinex and Tiedemes and the role Cycorn played in the creation of the cannibalistic man-machine known as Mordantix! Get on board for more 1980’s style high adventure with the Lords of the Cosmos!

UGLI STUDIOS has been delivering cutting-edge comics since 2012, and now, the beloved Pennsylvania publisher is thrilled to announce the publication of LORDS OF THE COSMOS #4 which is now available on ComiXology and Etsy.  Antarctic Press has also licensed Lords of the Cosmos issues 1-4 to be reprinted starting in issue #6 of their anthology book Planet Comics.

 A nod to the glorious mayhem of 1980s comics and cartoons, LORDS OF THE COSMOS is the tale of the exotic planet Aiden, a planet lost to space and time.  Here, all manner of escaped supervillains, heinous inter-dimensional demons, exiled Earth gods and ancient bio-wizards struggle on a hostile world controlled by a sentient, planet-wide machine.

The fourth issue explodes on the page featuring a battleship turtle, cannibal cyborg and talking sword… it’s another mega-sized issue of comic insanity for fans of 1980s action adventure properties. The new issue will have 40 interior pages comprised of part four of the main story drawn by Jason Lenox, as well as three new short stories, Saturday morning cartoon ads, a new letters page feature and four variant covers.  Guest artists include Zach Brunner, Joseph Freistuhler, Sasha Ciardo with lettering by Dave Sharpe (Marvel, DC, Valiant),

LORDS OF THE COSMOS was created and drawn by Jason Lenox and written by Dennis Fallon and Jason Palmatier, (creators of the graphic novel Plague, published by Markosia UK).

Digital Copies of Lords of the Cosmos #’s 1-4 for sale on Comixology  HERE
Physical Copies of Lords of the Cosmos #’s 1-4  for sale on Etsy HERE

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