Ash vs Gangs of NYC and Deadites circa 1979… Groovy!

Army of Darkness: 1979 #3

writer: Rodney Barnes

artist: Tom Garcia

covers: Francesco Mattina (A), Arthur Suydam (B), Jungguen Yoon (C), Stuart Sayger (D), Arthur Suydam (E-RI/BW), Stuart Sayger (F-RI/BW), Jungeun Yoon (G-RI/BW), Francesco Mattina (H-RI/BW)

FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+

The streets of New York City are in a panic! Awash with Deadites and rival gangs seeking to control the power of the Necronomicon! The big apple has only one hope… Ash Williams. Good knowing you, NYC!

The mayhem continues by Rodney Barnes and Tom Garcia and an undead who-who of cover artists: Mattina! Suydam! Yoon! Sayger!

Did you know: Deadites are a species of parasitic demons that seek to possess the bodies of mortals and feast on the souls of living creatures.

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