Pullbox Previews Seis Cuerdas, a “not-so dark knight” fights for Mexico

I’m a horrible human being. No, no, don’t try to defend me… I got this book sent my way by email last month, and I completely lost track of it. It’s a complete disservice because now that I’m taking a look through my inbox I’m seeing that Seis Cuerdas looks pretty amazing. Right off the bat, I’m loving the artistic style that Benito Gallego brings to the table… very classic Sal Buscema.

This is the rundown I got from creator/writer Anthony Rella:

Seis Cuerdas follows the exploits of Dantès, a young, “almost-famous” mariachi singer who takes up the mantle of Mexico City’s resident superhero. Blessed (or cursed) with no need for sleep, this not-so dark knight takes on a Narco death cult as he fights to preserve the integrity and beauty of Mexico’s people and culture.

Mexico currently faces Gotham-like levels of violence, which is often stranger than fiction.  With Seis Cuerdas, my first published work, the challenge for me was to create a comic steeped in the disturbing reality of the Mexican drug war that does not support a view that drug violence is what defines Mexican identity or make light of real pain and suffering, but is still a fun read.  Based on the enthusiastic fan reaction and limited critical reviews the individual issues garnered, I’m happy to report, it seems the comic comes across as I intended. 

Now I am going to be taking a deeper dive into this but I didn’t want to wait on it any more than I already have. Here’s a preview of the three issue limited series, now available in trade paperback compliments of Simon & Schuster. Take a look!

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