Launching on Kickstarter, the week of 10-04-21

Mike Allred’s Madmania Shindig Activity Book by Chris Irving and Mike Allred

Comics creator Mike Allred’s popular characters from his Madmaniverse line of comics get the activity book treatment with the Madmania Shindig Activity Book by The Drawn Word, now up for funding via Kickstarter. 

“As a kid, I loved getting a black and white coloring and activity book starring my favorite toy and comics characters,” Drawn Word publisher Christopher Irving said. “I wanted to make the same for my four-year-old son, but with Mike’s Madmaniverse. However, a black and white book would leave out Laura Allred’s eye-popping and fantastic colors, so we’re going full color!”

The Madmania Shindig Activity Book comes to 36 pages and features activity pages with crossword, word find, mazes, and more starring Madman, It Girl, X-Ray Robot, Red Rocket 7, Metal Man and others. It also features a section with 3-D by Christian LeBlanc (Madman In Your Face 3-D Special and Madman Comin’ Atcha 3-D trading cards), a black and white coloring section, and a sticker sheet. The final dimensions are 6″ x 9″. It is designed by Rich Fowlks, who widely designs books and magazines for clients like TwoMorrows. 

Backer reward levels include a chance to also get the third installment of Irving’s Madmania! fanzine with an essay focused on Mike Allred’s 1990s Madman Comics from Dark Horse, limited keyfobs featuring the exclamation bolt in yellow or It Girl, and limited a “Certificate of Realness” signed by both Mike and Laura Allred. The Madmania Shindig Activity Book campaign ends on October 25, with a projected delivery date by early to mid December.

Painkiller Jane: Heartbreaker One-Shot by Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner – launching 10/05

PAINKILLER JANE: HEARTBREAKER is a 48-page, self-contained one shot story from the creative team of bestselling writer Jimmy Palmiontti (Harley QuinnMarvel Knights), artist Romina Moranelli (Sex and ViolenceGlarien), and designer extraordinaire John J. Hill (RagePop Kill) who present an action-packed adventure of Painkiller Jane, teaming up with a surprise co-star from her past to deliver a special package. With high stakes, high drama, sexual themes, and tons of action, this a Mature Audience title. 

Dracula Visions: A Vampire Art Gallery Publication by Slampress Tomes – launching 10/04

More than two dozen creators offer distinct and stunning interpretations of Bram Stoker’s iconic vampire thriller.

For generations, DRACULA has possessed our nightmares and captivated our imagination as a timeless story told and retold across all media. We are unleashing a murderer’s row of creators and allowing them to present their unrestrained interpretation of the haunting tale. This 56 page book features unique interpretations of the most famous and celebrated vampire in all of literature and popular culture from Ramón Pérez, Eric Vedder, Kalman Andrasofszky, Adam Gorham, Ho Che Anderson, Andy Belanger, and many, many more.

Betamax by Don Austin

A retro-manga cyberpunk anthology set in Neo Denver in 2082.

BETAMAX follows the intertwined stories of several unique residents of Neo Denver: Marianne, an ex-cybernetics technician who is taking on whatever gig she can to gather enough money to get her cyborg boyfriend out of a life-preserving stasis; junker/mechanic, Jessica T. D., her encounter in the Aurora badlands with Lord Kilkrik’s wasteland biker gang; Colfax Jones, a high-capacity combat cyborg staring down his own impending expiration date; and more. BETAMAX features hand-drawn black-and-white art with digital halftones, giving the work a retro-manga aesthetic.

Charretier & Colinet’s Inktober Graphic Novel byElsa Charretier and Pierrick Colinet 

31 days, 31 illustrations, 1 story.

Sprout. Fuzzy. Vessel. Splat. Four words out of the thirty-one that make the 2021 prompt list of #Inktober, an internet tradition encouraging artists to create one inked piece of art every day during the month of October. Here’s three more for you: LeakCrystalPressure! Between Oct.1 and Oct. 31, Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier will create an entire story based on these 31 words and publish our first Inktober graphic novel (A Leaky Fuzzy Vessel?! A Sprouty Pressured Crystal?!! These all sound amazing but no, that won’t be the story).

The Motherf**king F**ker by Max Fuchs

(Mature Readers) A 52-page wrestling romance comic full of blood, guts, and tight butts!

THE MOTHERF**KING F**KER is an outlaw comic about love, betrayal, kissing, spandex, muscle, and splattery heaps of gore, all set on the mythological stage of the wrestling ring. The F**ker, our purple-skinned protagonist, will crush, kill, and/or destroy anything and anyone and everyone and whom or whatsoever when or where or which-a-way is required to preserve his turbulent romance with the very deadly, very sexual, very flexible TIGORIA KILLBLOOD.

Kardiakia by Francesco Montalbano

Stories of representation: queer love and fat bodies.

Kardiakìa is a noun of Greek origins which means a “pained heart,” a pain that makes you feel out of breath, anxious, restless. This title brings together the themes of these stories, stories of love, identities, and bodies forced to stay in the shadow, away from the judging and intruding eyes of society. But both in “Magnalia” and in “Talìa,” our main characters bravely take back their right to live under the sun, despite a world that keeps trying to push them back into the darkness. A villa overlooking the sea, five souls united by love, the Nizza of the nouvelle vague. Unrequested attention. And more: a pathological inquisiveness that feeds itself until it explodes. 

Magic Powder by Jeff Schiller

A story about living a nightmare in a fantasy, rather than living the dream.

In a world conquered by Elves 2200 years ago, Thesz is the only big city on the planet that still exists outside of Elvish law. The inhabitants are mostly dwarves, orcs, and goblins who don’t fit into Elvish society’s confines, and are instead more interested in the pioneering ways of the outlaw. The Magic Powder cartels provide faerie dust, which is illegal everywhere else in the world, to anyone willing to pay the price. Our story begins just as the peace between all of the cartels comes crumbling down around them.

The Passions Of Pussy Willow: Night of the Rats by Kam Taverner

A newly restored & remastered release of this 1973 erotic adventure classic.

Pussy Willow is an operative of the clandestine British intelligence agency known as the Female Erotic Espionage League — or F.E.E.L. for short. All F.E.E.L.’s operatives are highly trained in espionage, the martial arts, and especially……..all the arts of seduction. The graphic novel will be printed in a dual format, featuring “Night of the Rats” in both its original tabloid presentation as well as its later, collected landscape format. 

Love & Capes by Thomas Zahler

A comic about superheroes and their loved ones dealing with the pandemic. But funny!

First published in 2006, Love & Capes is the Ringo- and Harvey-nominated, heroically super situation comedy about Mark Spencer, the world’s greatest superhero, the Crusader, and his girlfriend (now wife), bookstore owner Abby. Together, they have navigated dating, marriage, and parenthood. Now they have two kids, James and Hayley, and are having brand-new new adventures.

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