Pullbox Kickstarter Spotlight on Buzzard #3- Still offensively satirical, still oh so very British (in the very best ways)

Na-na-nana-na-na-naa BUZ-ZARD! Na-na-nana-na-na-naa BON-KERS!                                                             Na-na-nana-na-na-naa BACK-IT! BACK-IIIT!

  • Buzzard
  • Created & Written by Andrea Wolf
  • Illustrated by Ezequiel Assis

(We did reviews for issues 1 & 2, which you can find links for here)

OK, picture this: London,  England. The shiniest beacon of modern civilisat-pffAHAHA…Sorry, sorry, I thought I could write that with a straight face. Welcome to the shitshow that is the United Kingdom’s capital, where slums and insane wealth are only a couple of pubs apart and people will do anything to numb themselves from society’s unrelenting absurdities. Sound familiar? We might come from the same planet.

In the midst of rich folks flirting with Nazism for cheap thrills, scientists bending Ethics to chase cool new frontiers and a general public either too hopeless or too petty to make anything better, a scream echoes across the land: “make our lives make sense!”

And from the depths of a cannabis-induced brain fog, rises Buzzard’s reply: “Who, me ?!?”

Orphan, drug-dealer, martial-artist-for-hire, temporary amputee, lab rat, super-assassin and idiotic, loving brother, Buzzard is the best friend you’ll pray to never meet. 

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