- Rodney Laibahas (writer)
- Valentina Pinti (artist)
- Agnese Pozza (color artist)
[February 24, 2021] Dutch Indie publisher SouthEast Comics announces their newest comic book mini-series, Square One. Square One is now available from the SouthEast Comics website.
It’s time for Square One! SouthEast Comics’ very first teen scifi comic! Santopia is the world’s most advanced nation, based on industrial science and technology. A mega corporation called the Plant Corp discovers a renewable energy named Magna Core. As a result they provide the country with its power.
In Square One City, six teenagers from Sector High School are gaining superpowers after accidentally being exposed to a fraction of the Magna Core. Coming from completely different backgrounds, Nate, Isabella, Amy, Daimon, Jada and Maki instantly find things have radically changed. The teens must prevent themselves from becoming test subjects as they have to learn to properly utilize their newfound gifts!
Buy from: SouthEast Comics store: Digital €1.99 (Available Now)/ Print €3.99 (Available in April)