Pullbox Previews: Brokenland #3 – “They say a picture is worth a thousand words…this comic is worth a million”

It’s official! The Kickstarter for the third installment of one of my personal favorites, Brokenland by Drew Morrison, is live, and the clock is ticking to back this whimsical passion project. I had the chance to review the second issue back in July, and it is still one of the highlights of my 2020. (You can check that out here.) 

Follow the fascinating journey of this illustrated, dialogue-free series about a curious creature named Meeso as they discover all the amazing things the world around them has to offer. So far, we’ve watched them face the wonders and challenges of their garbage-filled home, and now the time has come for them to realize their true power. These gorgeous illustrations guide you through their wild adventures, and it just might be one of the most intriguing comics I have ever read.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words… this comic is worth a million. With only nine days left of the campaign, I can not recommend it enough! Let’s get it past the funding goal—check it out here

You can take a look at a free preview of Brokenland #1 here.

“I created Meeso at the end of college when living in NYC.  In hindsight I think the character is a visceral response to all the anxiety and pressure I was feeling from living in a very populated, uncertain environment.  On top of that, I had never witnessed garbage and waste on such a mass scale.   This pushed me to continue making work that raised awareness but still kept a sense of childlike wonder in the world.” – Drew Morrison 

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