The Pullbox Gift Guide: Greg’s Take

A gift for a geek: movie edition

Not movie, but movie related. For the discerning movie geek who likes to enjoy a nice glass of bourbon with a Millennium Falcon ice formation. Star Wars silicone Ice Cube Molds

For an actual movie, I went with Tenet. For me, this is better than all of Nolan’s Batman films. I love it when Nolan gets cerebral and this one has it in spades.

A gift for a geek: comic edition

The comic I look forward to the most each month in 2020 has been Once & Future from Boom! Studios. It’s a different take on the legends & lore I loved as a kid and still do. They don’t have these all collected in one volume yet, but I suggest getting all three.

A gift for a geek: gaming edition

This is another tough one because it such a broad category. Do you go with a table-top board game, my favorite RPG, and it’s a hell of a big year for video games.  Ultimately I went with video games. Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most anticipated games of the year and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

A gift for a geek: tech edition

Again, this is a huge year for video games with the release of the new Xbox and Playstation consoles. This year for tech I went with the Xbox Series X. Not just because I’m a video gamer, but also because it will become the entertainment hub in my house. I’ll, eventually, be running my living room entertainment all through a Series X.

A gift for a geek: toy edition

I haven’t been much of a toy collector, but I have fallen in love with Legos! My choice this season is the 1989 Batwing from Tim Burton’s classic Batman film.

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Updated: November 24, 2020 — 2:42 pm

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