So, here at The Pullbox, we hope you all had a peaceful week and at least had sometime to connect with family and loved ones. While the upcoming holiday season is not about serving the capitalism demigods (please read this with a healthy amount of cynicism and sarcasm), it is about making each other feel loved, in particular your parental units… one way to do this is to give gifts that you know they want, or perhaps the they didn’t know they wanted until you bought it for them.
A gift for a Geek: Movie Edition
So, for my money nothing gives me a great storytelling vibe like Wes Anderson, my guess is they same is true for them – You can get a a nice three pack of his best here
You can also get a beautiful hard cover covering his works here
A gift for a Geek: Comic Edition
For the Comic book fans who are of an a more mature generation (read older), odds are they love The Sandman by Neil Gaiman – this is an amazing collectors volume!
A gift for a Geek: Gamer Edition
For me and my clan, we have gotten more than our money’s worth our Vikings Gone Wild – a fun deck building game that is a blast for everyone!
A gift for a Geek: Tech Edition
In this brave new world that we live in, who doesn’t need or want a movie projectors at home? My guess is either your mom or dad does 🙂
A gift for a Geek: Toy Edition
There are so many different things for long time fans to jump into these days… truly a golden age for geeks. If you are wondering… yes, your parents love the Aliens moves and yes, they would love these minimates