Kickstarter Previews: Arise, Ye Skeleton King!

Hello from Brian Clevinger at Tesladyne!

ARISE, YE SKELETON KING is a new comic in the dead center of a Venn Diagram with any Coen Brothers scheme gone wrong, any D&D game where the main problem is the players themselves, and Weekend at Bernie’s 2. We can’t tell you how excited we are to share the first chapter with you!

AYSK is written by Brian Clevinger and Lee Black of ATOMIC ROBO fame, so you already know it’s good. The incredibly charming art is by Escher Cattle and every single page is just loaded with adorable characters who are also jerks. The letters and that snazzy logo up there are by Tess Stone. We’ve been figuring out these characters and their world for about a year now and it’s finally coming together!

Our main characters are a loveable troupe of circus performers who are actually petty criminals using their circus to distract slack-jawed rubes from being pickpocketed for a few days until the troupe disappears in the night before they’re suspected of wrongdoing. And then they start the scam all over again in the next village!

But this is the story of when the con didn’t work. The troupe winds up losing everything but it leads them to their newest and biggest scheme ever. And, spoiler alert, it works out great! Well, right up until it nearly plunges the world into an age of death and destruction — what is technically known as a whoopsie-doodle.

We’re running a Kickstarter campaign to print the first forty page chapter of ARISE, YE SKELETON KING. There are digital and physical rewards, stickers, original art, and more! And in the meantime we’re previewing the first 16 pages at Get a fresh page every Tuesday and Thursday this month!

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