Source Point Press is opening comic and graphic novel submissions. Between August 15 and November 15, pitches will be considered for the 2021 release year. Whether you’re an established creator, or a new talent on the rise, Source Point Press wants to see what you can do!
“Comics is the world’s finest form of storytelling, and there is still so much room to push the envelope. Show us what you can do with comics that others cannot, or will not do. I’m especially interested in seeing new and surprising art styles that might never have graced a comic page before. That being said, we specialize in horror, sci-fi, and pulp, and that stuff is always
welcome.” – Publisher Travis McIntire.
The editors would like to advise senders to avoid pitching stories about superheroes, zombies, vampires, etc., unless you’ve got a real twist on the genre. Also, please be aware that pitches for ongoing or long-form series and pitches without accompanying art are less likely to be accepted.
“I’m looking for a unique concept (or at least something skirting the edges of oversaturated genres) and a narrative that goes beyond connecting plot points and reaches for the emotions that a reader invests in. For artwork, I’m looking for sequential art with diverse layouts, dynamic
designs, and detailed background work.” – Associate Editor Josh Sobek.
Source Point Press publishes comics such as Broken Gargoyles, Bug Bites, No Heroine and The Fuhrer And The Tramp, distributed through Diamond Comic Distributors and Corner Box, and available digitally through Comixology, their online shop, and other platforms. They are
looking to expand their catalog with fresh ideas and innovative talent.
“I want to see comics starring interesting and diverse characters, who we can relate to as they work through real moments of growth and change. You can create the most unique and esoteric fantasy world that’s ever been in a comic, but I’m going to be looking for the humanity at the center of it.” – Associate Editor Cam Kerkau.
If you’ve submitted to Source Point Press in the past, you’ll notice that the submissions process has changed. Pitches sent via email will not be considered. If you’re interested in submitting, please do so via the online form at https://oxeyemedia.com/pages/submission