Pullbox Reviews: Lily’s Take- Death to the Army of Darkness #4 – “Every piece of art to come out of DTTAOD tells its own story”

Writer: Ryan Parrott  

Artist:  Jacob Edgar

Cover Artist: Ben Oliver

Has your summer been lacking in action, comedy, and ghoul-fighting warriors? Well look no further than the fourth installment in the Ash Vs. Evil Dead spin-off, Death to the Army of Darkness No. 4. Well with the one army defeated, Ash can finally relax… oh wait… no he can’t, because there is a new problem on the horizon that only he and his crew can take care of… but they need to act fast! Coming from someone who has still yet to see the original Ash vs. the Evil Dead series, this spinoff is one of my favorite comics to come out of Dynamite, and as a returning reader, I must say that the 4th installment adds a new twist to their story. At this point, I’ve become pretty attached to the characters and am really curious to see where they are going to end up after the end of the latest cliffhanger. 

Dynamite’s creative crew is back in full force with their all star cast featuring artists Jacob Edgar and Ben Oliver, colorist Kike J. Diaz, editor Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, packager/editor Nate Cosby, and writer Ryan Parrott. You can find out more and purchase a copy here (or if you are interested in a limited edition copy you can check out this link). If you haven’t already, you can check out the Pullbox reviews of the series so far (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3). As with the other DTTAOD installments, my favorite part is almost always going to be the cover art and illustrations. I think this is the most unique aspect of the comics and is always exciting to see the story and characters come to life in their full glory. From my experience, when I’m looking for a new comic, I wait for something to jump out at me, and nine times out of ten, I am going to be making my decision based off of the cover art. If I saw any of Oviler’s covers from this series, there would be no hesitation, I would walk out of the store with it. Every piece of art to come out of Death to the Army of Darkness tells its own story, and will keep the readers coming back for more. In fact, the reason I started to get into this series was from the original cover art for the first comic. All in all, the art to come out of  No. 4 did not disappoint, the distinct character designs and color schemes made for another great installment for these ghoul-fighting adventurers. 

Like those that came before it, the fourth installment builds off from where the cliffhanger from the previous chapter left off. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised where Parrot took the story after the conclusion of chapter three. I feel like at this point the team has gone through so much, and saved the world so many times that they really deserve a break. I went into this with a lot of hope to see these characters receive some amount of reward from their work and trauma they’ve endured, but was a bit disappointed to find out that they were immediately thrown into their next battle. The characters have grown so much from the time that they first met each other and started their great journey, but I really hope with the next installment they will be able to take a moment to highlight their character arc and give readers the chance to appreciate how far they have really come. 

I’ve said it before, but I really think that letteresits, colorists, and editors deserve way more credit. I have spent some time over the past few years studying color theory and its impact on those who read, observe, and/or enjoy the art. The use of color schemes can make or break any piece of art, especially in characters from a recurring series. For example, if the color scheme of a certain comic in a longer series or a character changes suddenly, so will the reader’s take on the story and subject of change. Colors can sway the mood at the drop of the hat, and really make or break the story. With the combined efforts of Kike J. Diaz, Nate Cosby, and Hassan Ostmane-Elhaou, their signature work adds another layer of authenticity and flair to the piece, springing the story to life.

Overall, this installment gave the same iconic action packed feel that the other three comics have given readers thanks to everyone on the DTTAOD creative team, leaving them hanging with another cliffhanger. I am excited to see where the story takes the characters next and I hope that readers will have more time to really appreciate how far they all have come and how much of an impact that is going to make on their future adventures. I give Death to the Army of Darkness No. 4 a 12. Once again, if you are interested in picking up a copy for yourself, go ahead and check them out here! I highly recommend this series if you are looking to dive into a new action-packed thriller, or if you have enjoyed the comics so far. 

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