Pullbox Previews: Asterix – The immortal Gaul is coming to America, courtesy of Papercutz!

Can worldwide mega-hit Asterix conquer America? Papercutz to re-translate and publish entire series in July 2020

For 60 years, the French comic Asterix has been delighting audiences around the world. The ancient Gaul warrior has been featured in 38 books that have sold close to 380 million copies worldwide, making Asterix the best-selling comic of all time. The series, written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo, has been translated into 111 languages and dialects, adapted into ten animated and four — soon-to-be 5 — live-action films, and even inspired a full theme park outside of Paris. But the international phenomenon has yet to take hold on this side of the Atlantic.

René Goscinny (writer) & Albert Uderzo (illustrator)

Papercutz Publishing is making a bet that can change. As the series turns 60, the company is re-translating and publishing every volume of Asterix ever written—for the first time with a US audience in mind. On July 14, 2020, they’ll launch the new editions with two omnibus volumes of three stories each, starting at the beginning of the series, plus a stand-alone edition of the newest book, #38: THE CHIEFTAIN’S DAUGHTER, which was released internationally in October 2019 and promptly sold 5 million copies worldwide.

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