The Pullbox Binge List: What to Watch, According to Susan

Howdy, Folks!  Now that we’re into our 802th day or so of social distancing (or at least, it feels like it) and many of you are probably already through your fifth, sixth and eleventy-first tv binge options on the various and sundry streaming services, we at the Pullbox thought we’d offer up our own fave bingeworthy shows, in the hope we can provide you with some new lockdown-killing material…

Here with today’s recommendations is Susan:

Here’s my hot take on what I’m watching right now.  I’ve just moved, been grounded in my job search by Covid-19, and the streaming is good.

1)         The Good Place (Amazon) – I’ve been listening to The Good Place: The Podcast, hosted by Marc Evan Jackson, and that prompted a rewatch.  I think I’ve watched the last episode about 5 times now because it’s like reading a really good book that ended perfectly and you just want to relive it.

2)         The Crown (Amazon) – Finally caught up on the third season, and love how the changes in cast highlight where the royals are at this time in their lives.  Is there anything Olivia Colman can’t do??  Weirdly, this is inspiring a rewatch of Broadchurch, which is an entirely different animal but still full of classic Colman.

3.)        Kim’s Convenience (Amazon) – new season is out and it’s on my queue for the coming week.  My hubby isn’t as big a fan as I am, so I binge it while he’s at his “essential business” job (they make food products).  I love this Korean Canadian family, and after the last season binge I thought it was totally weird that everyone doesn’t talk like Mrs. Kim.  Ok, See You!

4)         The New Legends of Monkey – This is a fun fantasy series about a girl trying to save her world from the demons who have taken over.  She enlists the help of gods in hiding to help her.  The first season is only 10 short episodes (24-27 minutes) long, and is geared for school-aged kids.  You could seriously binge it in a night if you wanted.  I like the humor and the search for the good in people.

5)         The Avengers saga (Phase One – Amazon)  Starting with Iron Man through Spider-Man: Far From Home, there are no real clunkers.  We’ve been watching one a night on week nights, and 2-3 on the weekend.  These are our heroes for this trying time.

Everyone stay safe and enjoy reconnecting with family and friends (remotely)!

And there you have it!  We’ll continue posting one staff member’s opinions each day until we run out of folks, and will do our best to compare notes and not have the same five shows over and over again. 

So until tomorrow, keep your feet and the ground, and keep reaching for the sky!  (And let’s keep that six feet of distance from each other while we’re at it, shall we?)

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