The Pullbox Guide to Waiting Out the Apocalypse, Silver Screen Edition: Greg’s Take

Hello again, Ladies and Gentlenerds!  By now, you’ve all diligently viewed the entirety of our oh-so-meticulously compiled lists of lockdown-killing shows.  You’ve behaved yourself, stayed at home, spent time with the spouse/rugrats/parents/pets/dust bunnies.  You’ve developed new and fascinating ways to prepare Ramen.  You were good to go.

And now (at least in Wisconsin), we find out it’s gonna be at least another month. 

We at the Pullbox feel your pain…and so we’re back, with more safer-at-home commiserating goodness.  This time through, it’s our Silver Screen Edition: one staff member per day will offer up their list of three, somewhat to very under the radar films we’ve enjoyed in forestalling our own boredom.

So without further ado, here’s Greg, with today’s picks:

Bone Tomahawk (2015): Kurt Russell stars as an old west hero taking on cannibalistic bad guys. Harkening back to his role in Tombstone, Russell is a take no BS sheriff doling out justice with a six-shooter and a magnificent mustache. Leading a posse of right-thinking dudes, Russell rides through a throng of blood and guts and more blood like a true western badass. (Available on Amazon Prime)

Logan Lucky (2017): Do you like Ocean’s 11? Are you entertained by redneckery? If so, then you’re in luck! Steven Soderbergh, the mastermind behind the Ocean’s series, creates a blue-collar version of the aforementioned series with all the heart, wit, and surprisingly, intelligence, set in a chicken-fried NASCAR-loving backdrop. There isn’t a single scene in this film that’s not enjoyable on some level. (Available on Amazon Prime)

Guyver 2: Dark Hero (1994): Everyone has movies they love that most people think are…of questionable quality: this one is mine. Occasionally, I run across a kindred spirit who also loves the Guyver franchise but not often. Guyver 2 tells the story of Sean, the unwilling host of the Guyver armor, and his search for answers. The film plants itself firmly in the “bad movie, good kung-fu” genre with its pre-CGI stunts and fight choreography—and what can I say? I like it! (Available on Vudu, free with ads)

So there you go—get to hunting for some Sunday evening specials, and we’ll be back tomorrow with Lily’s picks!  Until then, keep your feet and the ground, and keep reaching for the stars! 

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