Pullbox Reviews: Quantum and Woody Issues 1-2 “Hilarious and Outlandish Tale of Dysfunctional Heroes”





As everyone is cooped up inside for the foreseeable future, what better time to pick up a new series? I recently started reading the Quantum and Woody series from the talented minds at Valiant Comics.They may be the worst superheroes ever, but Quantum and Woody are the Earth’s only hope in the fight against the evil scientists trying to take it over! Christopher Hastings has written a funny, outlandish, and original hero story, and I can’t wait to see what adventures they go on next!

Who doesn’t love a great story when you are bored at home and just want to kick back and relax? There is no better way to do that then with a comic, and not only is this an action-packed comic, but it is visually impressive. No comic would be complete without some amazing art, and I find too often in stories like these that the art is generic and lackluster. Vibrant colors and dramatic shadows from Ryan Browne make for an interesting and very impressive build of the characters and their actions. It was nice to finally see a different style that really set the tone for the series. You can check out Browne and his awesome art here. You can also check out colorist Ruth Redmond here and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou here. 

Cover artists often don’t get the credit that they deserve, and I would like to take a moment to spotlight the creative and impressive work that these artists created for Quantum and Woody. The cover of a comic is frequently underrated, but the cover is a make or break deal. If a cover doesn’t draw the audience in, then they aren’t going to get invested in the series. Each of these cover artists set the tone for a great series and I truly admire their uniqueness and talent. I would like to give a shoutout to David Nakayama, Dave Johnson, David Lopez, Erica Henderson, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Joe Quinones, Reilly Brown, and Todd Nauck. Your work is phenomenal and I can’t wait to see what the covers are for the remainder of the series. 

I don’t want to reveal too much about what has happened so far in the series, but I will say this- I really like the direction that Hastings is taking the characters. (You can see more of his work on his website.)  His characters are relatable, quirky superheroes. Even when they were bumbling through their fights, I was still on their side. Every superhero story needs a villain right? Well, how about a family of evil villains?  They were witty, funny, and unlike most, they were easy to root for. This isn’t your typical hero story. Hastings gave readers a very refreshing twist on the classic duo tale. I am excited to watch the characters grow throughout the remainder of the series, and see if these bumbling warriors have what it takes to save the world from impending doom. 

I will certainly be coming back for the next installment of these crazy heros and am looking forward to the new art! Quantum and Woody is a hilarious, outlandish tale of dysfunctional heroes. I give the overall series a 16!  Issues #1 and #2 are out now and are a great escape for teens and young adults! Check out Valiant Comics on Twitter, Facebook, and all their platforms to keep up with the latest issues!

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