It’s Giveaway Time Again!

Greetings and salutaions all… it’s time for The Pullbox Spring Creator Giveaway!

To possibly win all of the indie goodness below, shipped to you free from us, all you have to do is the following:

1.) Follow @ThePullbox on Twitter

2.) Tweet this post (either from the tags below the post or retweet what The Pullbox account tweeted out) – make sure to tag @Thepullbox in your tweet!

3.) Tell about your favorite indie book and why we should be reading it.

All of these goodies were donated by the creators: Psycholist #1 (2 copies) and #2 [Blackbox Comics], When Heroes Rise and Embers of Freedom [novels from Trever Bierschbach] and Broken Bear and 20 Fists [Frankie White]

The giveaway is open immediately and closes at Midnight on Friday 3/6/20 – the winner will be chosen at random from the all entries that meet all criteria above!

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